Those words, that offer to us

Այն բառերը, որ մեզի կը նուիրեն

Issue 02: Handwritten Texts

Թիւ 02՝ Ձեռագիր բնագիրներ

As we share this book, we are living in the wake of Azerbaijan's forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of Armenians indigenous to Artsakh, a land grab that feeds the violent greed that constitutes empire and genocide simultaneously. All for Armenia, a volunteer-led organization, has been working tirelessly to provide aid and resources to displaced people of Artsakh. We are organizing a merged pre-order and fundraiser, to support their work, as follows:

$20: Preorder Offer

$40: $20 Artsakh Donation + $20 Bookprice

Armenian Creatives 02: A Question Makes a Room for Collaboration

This publication comes with stickers, as well as an additional zine, Armenian Erotic Glossary. SNEAK PREVIEW HERE.

Those words, that offer to us

Այն բառերը, որ մեզի կը նուիրեն

Issue 01: Poetry + Literature

Թիւ 01` Բանաստեղծութիւն + Գրականութիւն